Everyone has a different ideal temperature for their house, but there are several rules to follow that may assist maintain comfort while lowering energy bills.
You should take into account comfort, energy consumption, your HVAC system, and the type of thermostat you presently have when determining the appropriate setting for your thermostat.
For the majority of people, 68 degrees in the winter and 78 degrees in the summer serve as a suitable starting point when it comes to comfort. In order to discover your ideal temperature, we advise beginning close to these values and making little adjustments afterward.
Depending on the season, you can employ several techniques to reduce your energy costs:
When you are sleeping or away from home, turn down the heat. Enable radiant heat to augment your heating system by opening your blinds throughout the day.
Improve airflow and lessen the load on your HVAC system by using a fan. In the summer, be sure the fan is spinning the other direction (and switch it to clockwise during the winter months).
Set the temperature on your air conditioning system higher. To determine how heated of a temperature you can endure, start at 78° F and gradually increase it.
Never lower your air conditioner’s temperature by more than 20 degrees compared to the ambient temperature.
You may operate the thermostats from your smartphone, tablet, or computer if Wi-Fi is enabled.
Your thermostat should be installed in an area where it is less likely to be activated accidentally. A location away from doors, windows, and vents would be ideal.
The characteristics of every thermostat vary.
They will maintain the temperature you selected unless it is manually changed.
They permit you to program your home’s temperature for a number of days and hours throughout the week. This enables temperature modifications so that your heating and cooling system is not used excessively while no one is home. Programmable thermostats may cut energy costs by 10 to 30% when used properly, and for every degree Fahrenheit that a thermostat is dialled down, 1% less energy is needed.
These are comparable to programmable thermostats as they may be set up to follow a schedule. Additionally, they “learn” your habits and routines to begin changing the temperature for you automatically. You may operate the thermostats from your smartphone, tablet, or computer if Wi-Fi is enabled. Additionally, they manage and collect data on the energy consumption of your house, which may help you keep track of the efficiency of your HVAC system.
The optimal temperature for your house is a matter of personal preference, but knowing how your HVAC system and thermostats work may help you determine what level of comfort is appropriate for all occupants.
Have more inquiries about your thermostat or the HVAC system in your house? We can provide you with a solution; just get in touch with our team.
Call us at or send us an email if you require emergency assistance seven days a week or even suggestions for enhancing your daily comfort and air quality at home and at work.
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