The Importance Of Routine Heating System Inspection In Homes And Commercial Establishments In Nj Before The Winter

When moving into a new home, it is recommended that you carry out a complete heating system inspection. After settling in, it is also important that you set up a system for carrying out routine heating systems inspection. This will help ensure that your heating system functions optimally and you can even save up to 10% off your expenses every month with proper maintenance.
For most systems, it is recommended that you carry out seasonal and annual inspections. Servicing your heating system annually will help ensure that your seasonal inspection did not result in any sort of damage or compromise to the system. In addition, it also guarantees that you can use the heating system for a longer time, fulfils your warranty requirements and also ensures optimal functioning of your system. The seasonal inspection helps to make sure that your system is operating within the manufacturer’s specifications.
Do you need a checklist for your heating system Inspection?
The answer is an emphatic Yes!
During every routine HVAC inspection, the technician should pay special attention these items listed below. In order to help you understand the importance of this inspection, some of the reasons why they should be inspected are also mentioned.
Inspecting Internal Area
The internal area of your heating system is prone to soot buildup which can result in issues affecting its functioning. When the internal area is left uncleaned for a prolonged period of time, it can result in the buildup of soot which can block the nozzle of your pipes, causing a decrease in the system’s abilities to heat up your home. Your technician will inspect the internal area and will recommend a replacement of the nozzles depending on what they find.
Inspecting Heat Exchanger
These devices are important because they conduct heat from the different fluid compartments in the system without allowing the fluids touch one another. Any damage to them would result in extensive loss of heat from the heating system and would also lead to heat loss in your home. This can get very uncomfortable especially during winter and may even pose health risks to occupants of your home.
Inspecting Air Filters
It goes without saying that if your air filters get clogged, heat would not be delivered efficiently throughout your home. Additionally, it can result in a complete shutdown of your heating system simply because air isn’t getting delivered as it should. The technician would inspect the air filters and would advise you on what needs to be done – cleaning or replacement of the filters.
Inspecting Thermostat and Furnace
The functioning of the furnace and thermostat of your heating system will affect its overall efficiency. The thermostat regulates the amount of heat generated by the furnace which in turn determines the overall temperature in your house. In order to inspect and test these components, the technician will collect samples of four flue gases and will analyze them for oxygen count, smoke content, temperature stability, and so on. The result will be used to determine the state of health of your system.
In addition to these items, your heating system inspection checklist should include:
- All safety switches
- System burners
- System blower motors
- Fan belts
- Overall levels of lubrication and corrosion
At the end of every inspection, our HVAC technician will provide you with a detailed report of the state of your heating system and that they also explain the results to you and answer any questions you might have. They should also make recommendations based on their observations. So before the winter is officially in, call and have your heating system fully inspected today, and prevent the trouble and high repair cost.